On June 16, 2012, more than twenty years after having received the Nobel Peace Price – without being able to collect it – this freedom fighter could finally come to Oslo and listen to the speech in her honor and give her own very moving speech.

On June 16, 2012, more than twenty years after having received the Nobel Peace Price – without being able to collect it – this freedom fighter could finally come to Oslo and listen to the speech in her honor and give her own very moving speech.
This summer, Paris shows two great exhibitions – one at the Centre Pompidou and the other with drawings at the Louvres – of one of the past fifty years’ greatest artists.
Mohamed Diab – a young Egyptian filmdirector – shows one of the consequences of women’s oppression in the Arab world in his film “Bus 678”. But it’s the beginning of a new phenomenon: to openly express what’s been taboo to mention for so long.
At Paris foremost Asian museum – musée Guimet – an interesting and esthetic international exhibition is shown until the end of June. The exhibition’s theme is about the place that rocs and stones held amongst the ancient Chinese lettered men who were clercs as well as calligraphers, poets and artists.