In many ways, this year will be a memorable one. A new President in the USA, many fear and others have put their hopes into; elections in France and Germany. We have several interesting events to look forward to.

Solar eclipse
The year’s first month starts with music with the Hamburg philharmonic concert. Then sports with the African cup (CAN) in Gabon: “It’s an opportunity to show our country as a perfect tourist destination and thus preparing ourselves for when the oil-reservations will be emptied” (according to Daily Maverick). The same day, the 14th, on another continent, the fiftieth Martial Arts competition starts in Jakarta (Indonesia). January 20 Donald Trump is investigated, as the 45th USA President. By the end of the month, ultra-fast trains are tested in California. In France the winner for Vendée Globe sailing competition arrives to destination.
This winter month is the sign of films with the 67th international film festival in Berlin. Asians continue to celebrate with the New Year of the Fire Rooster (started 28 January) with events all over the globe.
Elections in Holland with the risk of the right-wing populist Geert Wilders with his party PVV winning. “The government is wary of a civilian revolt against the establishment”, writes Elsevier. England has to activate the EU article 50. South Korea will probably have a Presidential election, as the actual President, Park Geun-hye, is accused of corruption.
The Presidential elections in France (the 23rd and the second round the 7th May) could become a horror show with the former favourite right-wing François Fillon in the middle of a scandal facing no real threat from the left. Maybe Macron – the new centre? The populist Party with Marine le Pen could well change the history of France. Or the extreme left?
In the USA, an international scientific event around medical research concerning the use of marijuana to cure PTSS will take place (19–24).
Presidential elections in Iran. Will Hassan Rohani be re-elected? According to Al-Monitor, it’s not probable because of the country’s poor economy. Will the women, homosexuals and opposition get more rights?
If not, our souls will get some respite in Fez (Morocco) with its 23rd music festival. More art in Venice with the biennale, opening in the middle of the month. Xavier Veilhan – who exposed in Versailles a couple of years ago – represents France. OTAN troops shall be permanently implemented in the Baltic countries.
The EU forbids roaming and it will cost the same to call from any EU-countries. On the other side of the Atlantic, America’s Cup takes place in the Bermuda’s.
Hong Kong celebrates its 20th year after it’s reunification with China.
Entire solar eclipse the 21st can be viewed from the USA.
The International Olympic Committee meets in Lima, Peru, to decide which city will host the 2024th Olympic Games. The decision seems to be finally between Paris and Los Angeles.
In Spain the Catalonian Parliament organizes a referendum about the Catalonian independence.
Che Guevara (Argentina’s Marxist revolutionary) died 50 years ago. France is the guest of honour during Frankfurt’s Book Fair. In Wittenberg, Martin Luther’s reforms are celebrated 500 years later.
COP23 climate conference organized by the Fiji Islands takes place in Bonn, Germany. Fiji Sun writes: “our Prime Minister has invited the climate sceptic Donald Trump to our islands to see for himself how we are affected by the climate changes”.
In Russia the Bolsheviks’ victory in 1917 will be celebrated. Or not?
South African ANC congress face elections as well and according to the Guardian “they will loose and South Africa will be governed by an opposition party for the first time since the end of Apartheid in 1993.”
This year has lots to offer but we must never forget that we are all parts in making our future and choose how to react in the face of the inevitable problems we’ll face. Hold on to your hats because the winds will be blowing hard this year as we’ve already experienced since January!
Anne Edelstam, Paris